Guided Tours

Kunene River Mouth Route


(7 days/6 nights) Shortened itinerary – please contact us for the detailed itinerary


On Request

*Get in touch for more rate info


7 Days / 6 Nights

Day 1

Swakopmund to Terrace Bay North

Day 2

Terrace Bay North to Angra Fria Agate mountain

Day 4

Kunene-mouth to Hartmann Valley and Kunene River

Day 5

Kunene to Marble Campsite

Day 6

Marble campsite to Puros

Day 7

Puros towards Sesfontein/Palmwag for refueling

Tour dates - 22 - 28 April, May, July, August, September, October.

Please note that these are provisionally scheduled dates.

Please contact us if you have a specific request so that we can customize a trip or change dates to accommodate you!

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